29 research outputs found

    Treatment of Palatally Displaced Canines Using Miniscrews for Direct or Indirect Anchorage: A Three-Dimensional Prospective Cohort Study on Tooth Movement Speed

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    Palatally impacted canines are usually challenging to treat in terms of both biomechanics and possible side effects. Different therapeutic approaches have been reported with or without the use of temporary anchorage devices, including the canine-first approach. Two groups of patients with palatally impacted canines were compared, observing their canine movement measured on consecutive CBCTs after three months of treatment. In the control group, impacted canines were treated with direct anchorage on miniscrews, and in the test group with indirect anchorage using a miniscrew-supported transpalatal arch. The primary outcome was the canine movement speed; the secondary outcome was the change in the root length of adjacent teeth. The median monthly apex speed was 1.05 mm in the control group (IR [0.74, 1.64]) and 0.72 mm in the test group (IR [0.27, 1.30]). The median monthly cusp displacement was 1.89 mm in the control group (IR [1.04, 2.84]) and 1.08 mm in the test group (IR [0.81, 1.91]). Approximately 50% of teeth adjacent to an impacted canine underwent a negative root length change of less than 1 mm in the majority of cases, but no significant differences were found in root length changes between groups. No statistically significant differences in the reported speeds were found, and no miniscrew failures were observed in either group

    Exploring Biosignals for Quantitative Pain Assessment in Cancer Patients: A Proof of Concept

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    Perception and expression of pain in cancer patients are influenced by distress levels, tumor type and progression, and the underlying pathophysiology of pain. Relying on traditional pain assessment tools can present limitations due to the highly subjective and multifaceted nature of the symptoms. In this scenario, objective pain assessment is an open research challenge. This work introduces a framework for automatic pain assessment. The proposed method is based on a wearable biosignal platform to extract quantitative indicators of the patient pain experience, evaluated through a self-assessment report. Two preliminary case studies focused on the simultaneous acquisition of electrocardiography (ECG), electrodermal activity (EDA), and accelerometer signals are illustrated and discussed. The results demonstrate the feasibility of the approach, highlighting the potential of EDA in capturing skin conductance responses (SCR) related to pain events in chronic cancer pain. A weak correlation (R = 0.2) is found between SCR parameters and the standard deviation of the interbeat interval series (SDRR), selected as the Heart Rate Variability index. A statistically significant (p < 0.001) increase in both EDA signal and SDRR is detected in movement with respect to rest conditions (assessed by means of the accelerometer signals) in the case of motion-associated cancer pain, thus reflecting the relationship between motor dynamics, which trigger painful responses, and the subsequent activation of the autonomous nervous system. With the objective of integrating parameters obtained from biosignals to establish pain signatures within different clinical scenarios, the proposed framework proves to be a promising research approach to define pain signatures in different clinical contexts

    Digital Planning Technique for Surgical Guides for Prosthetic Implants before Orthodontic Treatment

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    Background: The use of digitalization allows clinicians to plan the position of dental implants in orthodontic patients treated with aligners in the beginning of their orthodontic treatment, instead of waiting until the end of orthodontic treatment, integrating implant restorations with orthodontic biomechanics. Aim: The aim of this case report is to describe a digital workflow for aligner treatment supported by implants, in which implants are placed at the beginning of the treatment and support the orthodontic treatment. Materials and Methods: Digital planning for orthodontic treatment with clear aligners and the preparation of surgical guides for implant surgery before orthodontic treatment are used to solve two multidisciplinary cases. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and virtual dental impressions are used for the virtual planning. Successively, a surgical guide for implant placement and aligners are used in the treatment plan. Results: The digital orthodontic setup with the integration of the root position allows the clinician to plan the position of dental implants on the final occlusion. The placement of the implant before the start of the orthodontic treatment allows the implants to be used as skeletal anchorage, thereby helping the orthodontic biomechanics. Conclusions: This study describes how to perform a digital workflow with orthodontic virtual planning and the design of surgical guides for implant placement. This technique is potentially promising for complex orthodontic cases


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    We are living in the age of the wide internet network, where we first connected contents, then people and now objects. Today, objects and people are constantly entering data into the large network. This is marking two new interesting lines of research: (a) turning "big data" into increasingly useful information; (b) ensuring a "secure" network to protect "sensitive" data. Both lines of research, however, seem to forget a key aspect in this increasingly "unstable" world: the position of the person. Any "secure" computer system and any creation act required to transform data into information, in fact, will always be carried out by people. Therefore, the question we are asking ourselves in this short study is: Is the new focus of the stain and network system the centrality of a person

    Facial attractiveness of skeletal class i and class II malocclusion as perceived by laypeople, patients and clinicians

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    BACKGROUND: Physical attractiveness is dependent on facial appearance. The facial profile plays a crucial role in facial attractiveness and can be improved with orthodontic treatment. The aesthetic assessment of facial appearance may be influenced by the cultural background and education of the assessor and dependent upon the experience level of dental professionals. This study aimed to evaluate how the sagittal jaw relationship in Class I and Class II individuals affects facial attractiveness, and whether the assessor's professional education and background affect the perception of facial attractiveness. METHODS: Facial silhouettes simulating mandibular retrusion, maxillary protrusion, mandibular retrusion combined with maxillary protrusion, bimaxillary protrusion and severe bimaxillary protrusion in class I and class II patients were assessed by five groups of people with different backgrounds and education levels (i.e., 23 expert orthodontists, 21 orthodontists, 15 maxillofacial surgeons, 19 orthodontic patients and 28 laypeople). RESULTS: Straight facial profiles were judged to be more attractive than convex profiles due to severe mandibular retrusion and to mandibular retrusion combined with maxillary protrusion (all P&lt;0.05). Convex profiles due to a slightly retruded position of the mandible were judged less attractive by clinicians than by patients and laypeople (all P&lt;0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Convex facial profiles are less attractive than Class I profiles. The assessment of facial attractiveness is dependent on the assessor's education and background. Laypeople and patients are considerably less sensitive to abnormal sagittal jaw relationships than orthodontists

    Maxillary Impacted Canine and Upper Lateral Incisor Agenesis Treatment with “Canine First Technique” and Clear Aligners: A Case Report

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    The aim of this study was to show a case of an impacted canine in an adult patient with agenesis of the maxillary lateral incisor treated with clear aligners (CA). A 19-year-old male with a persistence of 5.3 and absence of 1.2 came to our department of the School of Orthodontics at the University of Federico II in Naples and asked for an aesthetic treatment. The Canine First approach was used to surgically expose the canine and pull it into the dental arch. In order to ensure long-term aesthetic, periodontal, and occlusal results, a treatment with CAs to close the space through the mesial placement of the canine and the enameloplasty of the tooth crown was performed. At the end of the treatment, the occlusal objectives were achieved